Sunday, July 31, 2011

I'm Coming Out of the Closet

I am tired of hiding it, the deception, the isolation and wondering who will accept me.  I am coming out of the fucking closet like a freight train. That's right I said it, I am coming out of the closet.  No, I am not making the grand announcement that I am Gay.  I am telling you that I came out of my closet today with an arm full of too big clothes, I now have more room in my closet.  Why? Oh, because I am no longer fat enough for 1/4 of my wardrobe!!!  YES!!! I cannot fit this shit.  And this time I am not keeping it only to be able to resurrect it like Jesus on Easter; in the event my fat ass visits a buffet one too many times in a week's span I won't have shit to wear.  Yupper, I am giving it away; yeah you know pay it forward and shit.  I am sure some plus sized female would love to have my fabulous wardrobe -- well at least 1/4 of it (for now).

As if  I had no knowledge of what size I was buying when I swiped my card in the clothing stores, imagine my facial expression of utter disgust when I realized some of my clothes at one point in time were actually a 3X!!! That's like BIG AS FUCK.  So freshly laundered I have bagged the things I pulled out today from 3X to 18W.  Damn me, I really didn't give a fuck about myself the way I thought I did.  I guess that was my Bravado. 

Well, Damn, Fuck and what in the fuck was I thinking?  Life is great I was ruining it.  Shame on Me.

Well now that that is said, I bid you a good night's rest.


My Ultimate Confession

I know one day I will look back and say out loud to myself, "I cannot believe I let myself get that fat and out of control of my own lifestyle."  That will be more than likely my proudest day of this entire quest.  It will be my day of acceptance and the day that I vow all sorts of things mostly though, to never go back, no matter what. With that being said, this is "My Confession."

I don't see life in the same way as I did just 38 days ago.  My life has taken on a whole new meaning, it's an uphill fight (on untrained feet) for refinement.  The way I eat, sleep, my activities and exercise, what I read, who I communicate with are all impacted; there will be casualties however there will also be mini renaissances where the casualties seem minimal and the rebirth's exultant.  In my most glorious gluttonous hour I did not feel this good (should have known then).  So I have already suffered one casualty, (bows head) Gluttony has been eradicated; however sensible eating has been born. 

I always assumed people were fat lard asses because of the way they ate.  Ya' know, pizza, chips, beer, fried this and that, pastas, dessert and second helpings.  While this remains true of why I maintained such a robust (growing) figure all of these years I now embrace the numerous other factors that can counter act being a Lard Ass for me.  Like I said before I am no Diet Guru, nor do I claim to be.  Hell I will leave that to the people who want to make money on late night infomercials and sell work out videos.  But I do know what works for me. However, if I am going to make this continue to work I need to confess:

My Confession:
Dear Baby Diet Jesus, 
I confess to you today.  I have been gluttonous in my previous ways and have learned to change that part of my insanity.  However, my lifestyle is not without fault.  Although I am following Saint Atkins to a "T"; I have been horrible at including all 3 meals and snacks -- as a matter of fact I have failed miserably.  My new eating ways are cooking and grocery shopping intensive.  I sleep until the last minute before work so I have not once had a work out before leaving for my day in the office; and often deprive myself of the beautiful blessing of Breakfast.  In the evenings I eat dinner really late, most times right before bed.  And I also have just not exercised to my full potential at all each evening, making excuse over excuse for myself; only to ultimately be lying to myself.  I stay up late into the night, and sometimes even early morning only allowing myself just a few hours of sleep, only later to dope up on Java's little satanic blessing of caffeine which keeps me awake and alert through the early afternoon (leaving me crashing like a dope feign later in the day).  I have been afforded the shedding of some unwanted fat, I know I can do better.  I will do better, yeah fuck it I will Win.  I am the ultimate competitor, taking no shorts and no losses I am no longer half stepping; I am going to revamp my entire lifestyle going forward.  This is my confession.  



Saturday, July 30, 2011

Fat Ass Update (7-30-11)

Ahhh yes, results are starting to become noticeable.  This week quite a few people made comment on my weight loss "have you lost weight?" or "girl you are really coming down."  As much as I wanted to brag and jump for joy, I just humbly replied "I feel great."  I hate when people brag about their weight loss, just a personal pet peeve.  

Food Choices
I went shopping in the beginning of the week and grabbed a few items.  For lunch everyday this week I have enjoyed a tuna salad at my favorite Coney Island near my work.

I am still a breakfast failure.  I actually have 3 1/2 dozen eggs  and a package of unopened bacon in the fridge so its almost a sure bet that I will be eating breakfast pretty well for the next week or more as I hate wasting food.  I still have not cheated one bit! And really it is not hard to avoid carbs at all, pretty much mind over matter.  Do I want potato's, rice and pasta? Or Fat Elbows and Back Titties?  Hmmm that's a no brain-er, for sure!

Hallelujah! Diet Jesus has answered my prayers and my size 20's are no longer wearable because they simply fall off, sag in the ass and have lost their shape on me.  In short they are wayyy to big.  I intend to start bagging them up to pass along.  My clothes are all relatively new since I have a shopping addiction, so some lucky chunky chick will be very chic.  I am down to wearing my size 18's which I noted yesterday have about another two weeks of wear and then they will also be going. to the bye-bye bag.  I do plan (just for fun and motivation to send my size 18 #FridayJeans to StormyVawn, a fellow blogger and twitter (@stormyvawn) friend who has this week taken me up on the #FridayJeans tradition.

I have a few excuses for not exercising to my full potential this week.
Excuse List:
1. It was too hot out to walk, with heat advisories and 100+ degree temps.
2. I woke up too late each morning to get any work out in.
3. I was tired each day after work.

Yeah these are some dumb ass excuses and I suck.  Largely I can't figure out a good excuse why I didn't exercise.  But I did feel the results of not exercising.  So I need to get back on it.  Last Sunday, I did ride my recumbent bike for about 52mins which was a little over five miles.  I do need an exercise plan though; this week I will work from one that I intend to write today.

How I Feel  Small changes from last week, are now big changes this week, and I must say the most noticed change this week was the way my blouses fit in the upper arm area.  No more circulation cut off, and they are actually fitting the way they are supposed to.  Still appetite has shrunk size-ably; to the point where I forget to eat all together (which may I mention is not a good idea, I need to stay consistent with eating regular meals -- and make myself eat some fucking breakfast.) Diet Jesus was really in the prayer answering business this week.

My progress is amazing, hard work, effort and motivation are paying off.


Friday, July 29, 2011

#FridayJeans (Week 3)

Foremost T.G.I. (muthafuckin) F!!!!!!   I don't think you can imagine how excited I was when I learned that my twitter pal and fellow blogger StormyVawn (@stormyvawn on twitter) decided to get on board with my #FridayJeans tradition.

Well this is week three in these jeans (I have owned them for three weeks) what a dramatic change.  Pretty much they don't really fit anymore.  Ahhhhh, I just gave myself a hug.

Same Damn Jeans, Just a Different Friday. These Jeans are a 'Boot Cut', Size 18 Petite.


Thursday, July 28, 2011


I write this on Friday Eve with a great deal of anticipation, anxiousness and preparing to face my greatest trepidation of the week ... My Friday Jeans.  I haven't been the best dieter this week.  I didn't eat a thing off my chart of foods, but I have not been active either.  Geez, now I am praying to Diet Jesus for a Friday Jeans miracle that they fit bigger still.

When I washed them last week I had the bright idea of washing in HOT water and DOUBLE time in the dryer ... I am afraid ... did I shrink?  Did the Jeans shrink? Getting dressed in the morning will probably be stressful; shit!!!!

Well those size 18 jeans better be falling off when I walk; and well that's all I got to say about that ... tomm Pics coming....



Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Don't Write Checks Your Ass Can't Cash!

Don't write checks your ass can't cash!  When you go out talking shit and issuing threats be prepared to back them up! You would be a foolish mind to think this is even a half way good idea; and if you were a foolish mind you would have stopped reading two sentences ago!

I don't write checks my ass caint cash! I don't talk shit without an arsenal of artillery to cover my ass and back myself up.  I'm a weapon, much like a loaded automatic with no safety on the trigger and equipped with hollow point bullets ready to penetrate the target.  Sadly enough, I am also the target.

When I vowed to kick this fat girl's ass, I am sure many of my friends were wondering how long this "phase" would last.  I am categorically a "phase" type of gal.  Long commitments and Me, well let's just say we are not naturally polarized toward successful completion.  However, threats have their own place; my competitive spirit and fierce over achieving complex will not let me be beaten -- I will fight until the bitter sweet, in order to guarantee myself victory.

 Well this war is embattled, however with a single parliamentary governing body of myself giving the directorate; the war is in full swing.  In the past month, I have managed to fully disengage, and cripple the enemy (a.k.a. took away my carbs).  Then I activated the troops (worked out an exercise plan).  But there was an attack back, I thought about wonderful fudge things.  Therefore, mental warfare was initiated; and I began to see fat in primitive disgusting form.  And the results of this battle although not yet determined are starting to look good for me.

When Chaka Khan (later by Whitney Houston) sang "I'm every woman", I am pretty sure she was talking about me.  Thus because, I am every woman.  I have the same problems you all do.  I have endured the same life challenges (whether you admit them or not) from love to hate, envy and fear, uncertainty and astonishment, being the child and now the parent.  See we are not much different at all.  But being every woman is not an over night accomplishments.  It takes some wounds that of course heal and badges of honor, both which I display proudly on my mental mantle. 

I am not having a hard time with this diet change nor life change.  None of my day to day activities are changed; only enhanced.  Food is more flavorful and fun to prepare, and who knew my fat ass had the stamina to keep up with a regular exercise schedule?  To the naysayers who think I will break, who think this is a phase; who want me to fail -- like I said I am kicking this fat girl's ass, no shit talking here.

The most important thing is to love yourself.  I have never had a problem in this area.  But sometimes self worth and what other people view as worthy contaminate our thoughts.  Keep the contaminates out, and continue to perserver forward toward your goals.  When you hit a stumbling block remember its mind over matter, and like my Mom always says "This too shall pass."

Lastly, if someone really crosses the line I believe Ceelo Green sang it best "Fuck You, oh and Fuck You Too!"


Friday, July 22, 2011

Fat Ass Update (7-22-11)

I am own inspiration this week! I looked at some pictures taken in May 2011 today and I am more motivated than ever to get rid of this fat, and change my lifestyle to a healthier active one.  I am down around an average of 19lbs total to date; I have lost about 1" around my chest so I'm down from a 40DD to a 38DD.  Shit, really glad I have not lost any letters Ha Ha! 

Food Choices
I have been Christopher Columbus in the grocery store this week exploring the fresh produce department and staking  claim on it's virginity like a savage beast.  And no, I still have not had any carbs!  I haven't cheated at all; I refuse to  Cheat On myself, because Cheaters SUCK!  Once again, Breakfast has been a big ass joke!  How in the fuck do working people get up, and function well enough to cook and eat breakfast while capturing the last 30 minutes of sleep by beating he snooze button on the alarm clock?  It's all fucking Greek to me! I did not venture into Satan's haven (Walgreen's) for any Chardonnay up until yesterday only to find out the damn wine is now 2/ $10.00 -- those evil bastards.  I did have some wine last night since I have a long weekend with pre-scheduled day off work.
I went from a lazy dresser to Curious George this week.  I picked out items that were previously too tight or just plain ole too damn small. Like I told you yesterday those brown Capri Pants a size Jr. XL were a great fit.  And everything I tried on and wore fit wonderfully.  I am my own motivation.  My bra's are getting a bit big; I'm bitter sweet on that one, yeah I'm losing back fat but damn now I gotta pop another $36.50 per bra to replace the motherfuckers.  Shit!
Had I not been such a show off  with my fucking insanity walk; and wanting everyone to know that I hold multiple degree's from the Ivy League School of Rah-Tards I would have been much more productive in the exercise department.  Today my ankle is just now feeling better.  That means I missed three days of exercise.  Fuck!

How I Feel  I've noticed a lot of small changes.  It was easier to wake up and get going this week.  Probably because I did not drink wine, and I was enjoying playing Curious George in my closets. My attitude and demeanor were a bit more humble this week.  Maybe due to me being really busy?  And lastly, my appetite has shrunk size-ably; to the point where I forget to eat all together (which may I mention is not a good idea, I need to stay consistent with eating regular meals.)  Oh well! I will do better next week; I am no miracle worker.

Like a bottle of fine wine I get better with time, just see for yourself!
Fat Ass Update 07/15/2011
Fat Ass Update 07/08/2011


Thursday, July 21, 2011

I Think I'm Gonna Like It Here!!!

 I think, I'm gonna like it here, I know I'm gonna like it here!(Circa 1982 Annie referencing her Oliver Warbuck's Mansion Home)

Not only was this my favorite movie growing up as a little girl.  I remember going to see it with my Dad the first day it was released.  My parents outfitted me in a curly fro, red dress, and patent leather shoes. So I could look like Caucasian red headed Annie? Who knows?  (Buuuut this may be the catalyst behind my obsession with Red Dresses and Patent Leather Shoes -- another day another blog.)  This song has been stuck in my head since that day (ooops am I telling my age?) Ha!

Well its so fitting for my life right now; today I put on a pair of brown Capri pants that I haven't been able to get into in two years.  They are a Junior Size XL which from what I understand Junior XL is like 16-18, and Womens XL is like 18-20 so lets say I was euphoric today in these Capri Pants.  You know what?  I think I'm gonna like it here!♪ 

This picture was taken
Today! Photo Cred to my colleague SM, thanks dude!
Tomorrow is Friday, a glorious day I took off work for some Me time.  But I will still be putting on those Friday Jeans.  Can't stop the flow in this Hard Knock Life. 


Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Additive: ad·di·tive Noun : A substance added to something in small quantities, typically to improve or preserve it.

Vitamin C: Since one of the better sources of Vitamin C are found in fruits and vegtables which are higher on the carbohydrate scale; and therefore not yet a part of my eating style I am taking a supplement to make sure my body gets what it needs.  I take a 1000mg tablet daily.  "Vitamin C has received a great deal of attention, and with good reason. Higher blood levels of vitamin C may be the ideal nutrition marker for overall health," says study researcher Mark Moyad, MD, MPH, of the University of Michigan.

Super Colon Cleanse: per the directions you are to take 4 capsules every 3 hours.  I don't follow the directions at all.  As a matter of fact if I did driving, work, exercise, talking, laughing, sleeping, eating would all be out of the question.  I would have to pay big bucks to have my Latrine renovated to accommodate an entirely new lifestyle and most of my money would be spent on the water bill and top of the line toilet tissue.  Instead I take 4 capsules in the evening about 2 times each week.

Apple Cider Vinegar: This stuff aids in weight loss, is a natural disinfectant and gives you energy.  I will let you read more on your own here:  My method 2 tsp. in a 16oz Glass of ice water in the morning as well as one in the early evening before working out. 

Vitamin Zinc: When I have a sinus infection I take this 7 days 50mg / day.  I typically get stupid fucking sinus infections in the summer because of the dry air from AC units indoors.  Right now I am at the end of a sinus infection I tried to fight without the Zinc.  But just got back on it today. 

What additives do you use in your life?  Tell me, tell the world.



Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Day 30! Rah-Tard Univ. Graduate Here

I know damn well you didn't think I was going to let my 30th Day come and go without some sort of celebratory post, now did you? 

Yeah, by now you probably have noticed I cannot keep my mouth shut that long!  Hell, last week I made more noise with laryngitis and a sinus infection than a bunch of cackling old hens on their fourth glass of  Carlo Rossi Wine, watching [the movie] Waiting To Exhale, all the while out talking one another, about how fine they were in their hay day.

Let my bragging rights begin!  I am 30 days into this lifestyle and if you care to have read any of my earlier posts you know I have been through a few hoops, and even have had an epiphany or two along the way; but all the while maintaining and persevering.  That is what has gotten me here to this day -- the BIG 3-0.  And honey child let me say, I am grinning from ear to ear with excitement.  Not because I have lost a record breaking amount of weight, not because my clothes are fitting a tad bit loser; those are only benefits of my new lifestyle.  I am excited because I have made a commitment to myself that I have not faltered.  I am proud of myself, even as I sit here now updating this post, I take notice that my posture is a bit taller and my chin is held a little bit higher.  Self worth is priceless!

Now let's be real shall we? I am an card carrying  Ivy League Graduate of the Rah-Tard University located in any place where I happen to show up.  Only can an Ivy League Graduate manage to earn yet another Degree from such an epic fail!  My epic fail of BIG 3-0 day was conceived on day 29; thus was the day I went on an "insanity walk."  What is an insanity walk?  Well it starts off like this: Your fat still out of shape ass laces up your walking shoes and hits the pavement as fast as the friction between your thighs will allow you to go without making you airborne.  Prior to the insanity walk, you do not warm up, stretch or even create a pace for yourself.  You just get out there and go! Oh and I do mean go, try to out walk fast moving cars if you can.  Now if you are an Ivy League Graduate of the Rah-Tard University such as myself, you will earn a degree the next day.  3rd Degree pain!  That's right I am sitting here with an iced ankle because I twisted it somehow.  In retrospect I see where stretching, and warming up should have come into play.  I don't need to move faster than cars, motorcycles hell or even other walkers -- wish I had thought of this yesterday.

Oh well, at least I earned another Degree! At the rate I'm going I will be the honorary Dean of Admissions very soon!  Hey it's my BIG Day 3-0, what more can I say.


Say it loud, I'm proud, proud, proud, proud, proud!!!!

Motivation and Influences

Foremost, I am NOT KNOCKING ANYONE.  Be who you are, Be happy with yourself, Be healthy and don't EVER let another mother fucker ever rain on your parade -- including me! (And I mean that shit.)  I have always been self loved, self adored even self hated.  However, I'm finding my motivation to keep going in myself and everyday people.  People who like the former me are content with themselves.

SELF MOTIVATION <--- This is me in May 2011.  Notice I am damn near the same size as the big ass Corona bottle.  You can see the fat of my thighs beginning right above my knees. Had I not intervened myself when I did who knows what this fat layer may some day have turned into. (No good.)

SELF MOTIVATION Again May 2011, see the fat above the knees and extreme stomach sucking in, my loss of curves to a weird shape of ... I don't know maybe Banana with boobs?
SELF MOTIVATION This is July 1, 2011 12 days into my new lifestyle.  Muffin top, arm fat and shapeless bootay.  (Oh those are the "Friday Jeans by the way that was the first time I wore them.  I will make sure to take a pic this Friday.)

OUTSIDE INFLUENCED MOTIVATION #1: This is a lady I saw in the nail salon, her fat was literally falling out of the chair.  I didn't take a picture of this part, but she couldn't bend over and her friend helped her put her shoes back on.  I took another picture of her walking but hiding her identity was too difficult with my limited photo editing ability.  I DON'T EVER WANT TO BE THIS LADY.  But let me say ... she did have on a fly outfit! I have concealed identity to the best of my ability this is not a mockery just an observance.

OUTSIDE INFLUENCED MOTIVATION #2: Standing next to me in the market was this woman.  I would guess her weight but that is pointless, she was breathing heavy and sweating on a 70 degree day in the freezing cold market.  She was very nice though she even helped me find the spices I was looking for.  In 10 years I do not want to be wearing a dress that is only meant to cover me up.  I only want to more fabulous than I am right now.  I have concealed identity to the best of my ability this is not a mockery just an observance.

Life is what you make it, we make choices and decisions based on what we want.  What I want is a healthy active lifestyle, and to achieve that I had to start within and then begin with my outer.  On day 29 I was down 14lbs.  The way I see it is I have 70 lbs more to go until I reach my "outer" goal.  The journey will be awesome, and I am looking forward to every step forward and any tiny set backs.  I would say in the end, but this is a life choice not a temporary change.  So the end will end with me.  Life is what you make it, and honey child my life is marvelous!


Monday, July 18, 2011

Day #29 and Minus 14 Lbs

Happy Fucking Monday!!!! Yes I said "happy" and "Monday" in the same sentence; but note the adjective placement.  Anyway today was great!  I realized I am on day 29 and officially down 14-16lbs depending on the time of day I weigh.  WHOOO HOOOO CELEBRATION!!!!

A personal victory came today when I put on some khaki capri's I had on just a few weeks ago that were a bit snug then however, today I had like 3" extra in the waist, the legs were baggy and they felt like pajamas.  And to know me, is to know I love for my clothes to feel like pajamas.  So yes I had a happy start to my day!

As the day went on it got progressively better.  Temps were near 98 with a humidity barometric reading that made it feel like 100+ degrees.  And there is nothing more that this chick likes more than heat and humidity (and eventually escaping to my A/C home or office.)  I cruised to work with the windows down taking full advantage of the moisture in the air.  My sinus', and skin thank me.

After, what seemed to be a quick 8 hour day at the office, I came and home enjoyed a super strong cup of Black Java and tackled about 4 loads of laundry and folded 2 loads I had abandoned last weekend.  As I was folding the last of the clothes my mother stopped by for a visit.  I took advantage of Nana's visit by ditching her with Morgan, my three year old daughter for a nice solo 2 mile walk.

The stupid dog looks like this too!
The walk was swell until some dumb ass neighbor's loose mutt came charging at me.  At first I sort of froze, then when my inner dog whisperer kicked in I slowly paced in my continued direction.  Note to self: Buy mace and spray the fucking mutt just for fun tomorrow.  Anyway after my walk I came home and did a mile on the recumbent bike to cool down.

Food today was simple.  Extra Sharp Cheddar Cheese cubes during the day at work; and pan fried (minus the breading and flour) skinless boneless chicken breast with fresh string beans for dinner.  I really need to get better about eating more meals; but really, I have no big appetite any longer.  I just feel so much better about myself, its amazing!

Well its late, Til tomorrow the big DAY 30!


Sunday, July 17, 2011

Simply Sunday

Whooosahhhhh Ahhhh and relax.  Its Sunday I'm keeping it simple today.  I had my required dose of morning Java; and a Breakfast of two fried eggs sprinkled with Colby Jack cheese and 4 slices of Crispy Bacon.  (It was a nice change of pace from the scrambled eggs I have been eating.) 

LUNCH: Albacore Tuna on a Bed of Sun Sprouts
Next, I did house work and got the place back to a decluttered clean utopia of relaxation.  Now there are about 30 loads of laundry to wash but I'm done with my slaving for the day.   I just finished a yummy lunch of Albacore Tuna on a bed of Sun Sprouts which was yet and still another satisfying meal.

Well time to think about doing laundry while laying in the bed.  Perhaps if I think hard enough the clothes will wash themselves -- a girl can dream can't she?


Saturday, July 16, 2011

Dry Humping Vs. Sex! -- A Sexy Salad

Grilled Chicken is to Salad, what Dry Humping is to Sex; its just enough to get you there but not quite ever as satisfying!
No Dry Humping here ... All Palate Sex!!!

For a Saturday I was pretty damn busy today.  I skipped breakfast in a rush, so needless to say by the time I got back home about 4 p.m. I was famished.  I knew I had chicken breast in the freezer and a stalk of romaine lettuce that needed to be eaten before biology type things began to manifest in my fridge.  So with the thought of a grilled chicken salad in my mind, I stopped at the market on the way home.  But while in the store seeing the fresh herbs I knew that a Grilled Chicken Salad just seemed BLAH.  

At that moment I then decided I wanted something exotic and yummy so put down the standard cucumber and tomato's and opted for fresh Basil, sun sprouts, few green onions and blue cheese crumbles.  Staring at the items in my cart while in line, was like taste bud foreplay! 

Aren't you glad I like to take pics of my food
Basil Sauteed Chicken (formerly over Angel Hair) is one of my favorite self inspired chicken dishes to make.  I am sharing the recipe here but I don't cook in measurements I cook by taste: 

1 Split Skinless Boneless Chicken Breast (or more if you have more folks to cook for)- I pre-slice into thin strips and toss into a deep skillet.  
-Lightly cover with Extra Virgin Olive Oil.
-I used a bushel (about a cup) of fresh basil which I diced and generously poured onto the chicken. 
-About 2 Tsp. of Garlic
-About 1 Tsp. of Lemon Pepper (Shy away from salt, it really is not beneficial anyway)
-About 1 Tsp. of Oregano
-Generously cover with fresh ground black pepper (to taste of course but I love pepper)
-About 2 Tsp. of Red Wine Vinegar
Put all ingredients into a deeper skillet, cover and cook on medium-low heat until chicken starts cooking, toss every so often with a spatula or cooking spoon.  When the juices cook all the way out its done.  Chicken should be slightly browned also. -- Chicken took about a half hour to cook.  (While the chicken is cooking you can prepare the salad.)

No Dry Humping here ... All Palate Sex!!!
Salad Base: I started with a nice fresh summer salad: Knife Shredded Romaine Lettuce, a huge hand full of Sun Sprouts and Diced Green Onions.  Oh, I'm fancy huh?!?!  Then I sprinkled the blue cheese crumbles atop -- How ya like me now?

Pine Nuts are Yum

Pine Nuts: Last thing you should most definitely add is Pine Nuts!  Yes toast them!  I always have fresh pine nuts and toast them in a small skillet on top of the stove.  

Sprinkle on the Chicken, serve with a Balsamic Vinaigrette, a Dash of Red  Wine Vinegar and a Tiny Bit of Extra Virgin Olive Oil -- Grab a fork and dig in. I promise you this salad is no dry humping ... its all pure satisfaction. 

No Dry Humping here ... All Palate Sex!!!

Friday, July 15, 2011

Fat Ass Update (7-15-11)

Get The Fuck Outta Here!  Last week's update does not have shit on THIS week.  Sit back and hold on tight there has been such a drastic change from last Friday.

Food Choices
I haven't had a single carb break down, not one!  Breakfast was a big issue this week because I did not plan well enough to prep it at night, and I really was not in the mood in the mornings to cook before work. Walgreens still has that damn really good Liberty Chardonnay on sale for a mere $5.49 for the bigger bottle; but this week I think I may have had far less wine than I had last week. 

Yet again I was a pretty lazy dresser.  The now famous "Friday Jeans" that I have vowed to wear every Friday to gauge my weight loss were much baggier in the ass today!  Hoorayyy.  The thigh area was loose fitting and they were a tad bit longer (did I shrink)?  Lets not forget the all important waist of the jeans that had about 2 inches of extra space between my skin and the pant!  Had I not skipped two days of exercise I wonder if they would have fit even bigger?   Also, a pair of khaki's were fitting a lot looser in the ass and thigh area, the waist on those were not cutting off my circulation.  

The weekend and the beginning of the week were far more active in the exercise department.  I managed to get my 2 mile minimum in each day; up until Wednesday when Aunt Flo showed up.  The dread of her visit made me lethargic, and tired so Wednesday and Thursday I didn't do a damn movement outside of my normal activity.  Today is still up in the air as I am fighting to keep my eyes open as I type.

How I Feel
This week I was not feeling so swell all week.  Between little life stresses, battling a sinus infection, and the unannounced always expected visit from my Aunt Flo, I was pretty much a wreck.  Today I feel much better -- probably because it is Friday and I know that I have a few days to rest and rejuvenate.  I didn't feel the bloating from Aunt Flo's baggage nearly as bad as I typically do, it was far less of a problem this "visit".  And I can no longer rest my elbows on my muffin top when I sit down -- bummer, I think not!

I was thinking back to June 19, 2011 when I started this fight.  I am proud of myself, I am sure there are some fuckers out there with some bullshit to say but I don't need to hear it; I can do whatever I put my mind to I have Faith!

The change is a slow process, I didn't get fat over night and I am sticking with it! Can hardly wait to re-evaluate myself this time next week.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Oh No, Aunt Flo

My only small win today is  that I still have not consumed a single carb; as a matter of fact for the past two days I have not had much of an appetite at all.  And had a loss also (but not in the size department), I didn't do one, single, solitary iota of exercise either.  I don't eat when I'm down and today, well your girl has been a bit down.  I don't have a catalyst other than my ever unpredictable Aunt Flo who thought today would be the perfect morning to show up.  Bright and early right before I started getting ready for work!

"Ding Dong" went my biological door bell.
"Who is it", I mumbled.  And there she was in scarlet as always, greeting me for her scheduled (yet and still) unannounced 3-7 day visit.

At first I thought to myself "well she's been here before and I survived those visits."  I mean last month by the time she left I was so tired from raising all that hell I slept almost 26 hours straight!  I mean  truly, my Aunt Flo is a hell raiser.  Usually when she comes, we dine well on pasta's and breads and fudge, lots of fudge.  But since I started this new lifestyle after her last visit we won't have any of those happy moments together this visit.  As a matter of fact she and I will have to find another common interest all together.

Judging by way I am feeling and have been all day, I think the first evening of her visit will be a slumber party.  Who doesn't love a good slumber party?  She should like this, don't you think?  Oh I sure do hope so.  After bath time we will put on our very over-sized pajamas and watch a movie in the dark snacking on water and air, slowly slumbering off into dreamland.  Not to mention I think my Aunt Flo needs a rest.  I mean she was just here last month and we raised a ton of hell.

Aunt Flo brought some baggage so I guess she will be here a few days.  Therefore, tomorrow I will make sure we have an iron filled meal to energize us over the next few days of her visit.  She really tends to make me deplete my bodily iron whenever she is around, so I will be making something very yummy with loads of spinach!

I'm a bit down y'all, but ya girl is NOT out!

((Hugs)) Nighty Night!

Hail to the Victor!

I'm in love under new management!  I am in love simply no better way to put it.  Like a one of Walt Disney's Princesses, little birdies fly into my window and tickle my temples to wake me up in the morning and a robin perches on my window sill.  Okay, not really but that's exactly what if feels like.  Who is this mystery person who has swooned me so?  Myself!-- ya big dummy.  Did you really think it took another human soul to tell me that I am Wonderful, Beautiful, Fabulous, Smart, Charming, Love able?   Love yourself first; love what you love next, love what you like after that ... and after that generously distribute your love. 

I am my IT factor! Each day I love myself more and more, and my euphoric feeling toward myself the reason why it has not been difficult to adapt to this lifestyle change.  This is no longer only about a battle of being fat and my low carb diet, this is now about my lifestyle; and everyone and everything and everything I put into it.  I think they saying goes "You get what you put out."  I am putting forth major effort, going hard on the court, coaching myself to a win.  I cannot lose, my team is strong, I am highly prepared and hell -- well I feel great!

Many wins to come!  Some will be major some will be a minor territorial battles, but this is the winning team!