Food Choices
After 10 Months of this lifestyle I still find breakfast a challenge. Mostly these days it's just remembering to eat it or take it with me. I did manage one week to prep a package of sausage and boil eggs for the week ahead thinking it would be a quick "grab and go" breakfast. That however quickly fizzled after I had an overnight guest whom ate up my sausage. Then my mom came by and used my eggs in a tuna salad! #Fail. Other than that I find it very simple and easy to avoid Carbs. I did add in 10 carbs before each workout; generally opting for 1/4 slice of 12 grain wheat bread just for the fuel. Also, I now drink 16oz of water before each meal, helps me from overeating.
After 10 Months of this lifestyle I still find breakfast a challenge. Mostly these days it's just remembering to eat it or take it with me. I did manage one week to prep a package of sausage and boil eggs for the week ahead thinking it would be a quick "grab and go" breakfast. That however quickly fizzled after I had an overnight guest whom ate up my sausage. Then my mom came by and used my eggs in a tuna salad! #Fail. Other than that I find it very simple and easy to avoid Carbs. I did add in 10 carbs before each workout; generally opting for 1/4 slice of 12 grain wheat bread just for the fuel. Also, I now drink 16oz of water before each meal, helps me from overeating.

I no longer own not a single item (not even undergarments) that I did when I first began. Shrunk out of sizes 24, 22, 20, 18, 16, and currently don a 14/12. Size 8 HERE I COME!!!! Every day is a fashion show! Every item of clothing I currently own is a recent purchase. I stake my claim at upscale resale shops and thrift stores finding some tremendous deals; only perpetuating my already claimed FABULOCITY!!!
I remember when I joined the gym and what a personal milestone it was for me. These days I am such a regular there, when I miss a few days the gym staff texts, calls and emails me of my whereabouts. My trainer affectionately named "Drill Sargent G" has not slacked up on me at all. I still sort of get teary eyed when I see him. Sometimes I do not think I can cry another tear, then he demands 15 more squats!
How I Feel
Personal Growth
I am adding this section to my updates because it has become part of my lifestyle goals. Let me say personal growth was is definitely harder than giving up my Double Fudge Chocolate Brownie desserts. Putting a positive spin on things, (trying to) think before I speak, offering a smile to everyone, speaking a kind word when my thoughts are negative, and learning that I am capable of love are just a few turnarounds. This is the renaissance of me; with sophomoric thinking behind I captain the ship who is embarking on the great journey of Me.
Stay Tuned as I keep telling you; MY BEST IS YET TO COME!
My progress is amazing, hard work, effort and motivation are paying off; click below for highlights of my previous FAT ASS UPDATES!
Fat Ass Update 07/30/2011
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