However, now from what I gather people are sprinkling these seeds on food to trick their stomach into thinking it is full. Is this another form of dieter's delusion? Or is it really packed with power enough to help you shed unwanted inches, pounds and keep you fuller longer? Below I seek to answer my own questions.
Top 10 (Claimed) Benefits of Chia Seeds:
5. More Energy All Day Long: Chia though, it’s protein is complete to raise your energy
levels. The combination of complete protein, vitamins, minerals and blood-sugar
balancing gel all work together to make sure you have steady, never jittery
6. Age Defying Anti-Oxidants: Anti-oxidants have been in the news lately due to their
super healthy benefits. Did you know
that chia is extremely high in anti-oxidants too? These helpful substances are
what makes the Chia Seed stay fresh for so long. At room temperature, they’ll
stay fresh and ready to eat for over two whole years! And that’s all without a
single chemical or preservative. This amazing ability is not found in other
seeds like flax or sesame, because those seeds don’t have the same rich
anti-oxidant content. Anti-oxidants help
prevent free-radical damage in your body. Free radicals lead to problematic
conditions such as premature aging of the skin and inflammation of various
7. Cut Food Cravings: Being deficient in minerals or vitamins can create a craving
for food. For example, if you’re low on calcium, you may feel compelled to eat
lots of cheese and ice cream. This happens because your body knows that cheese
is a source of calcium, and it hasn’t been getting enough. But what if dairy
and whole milk are a “Diet don’t”? You can always add calcium to your food by
sprinkling on the chia. By weight, chia has more calcium than whole milk. It
also has magnesium and boron, essential trace minerals used in the absorption
of calcium and other vitamins. By balancing your vitamins and minerals with chia,
you can curb cravings that might tempt you.
8. Bake with Less Fat: Chia gel can substitute for half the butter in most recipes!
The food will bake the same and taste the same (or better) from the addition of
the chia gel. All you need to do is divide the amount of butter or oil in half,
and then use the same amount of chia gel to fill in. The anti-oxidants in chia
can even help keep the food tasting fresh longer. Everything from cookies to
cakes to muffins, pancakes and waffles can be made with chia gel as your butter
9. More Flavorful Punch to Foods: When the chia seeds hydrate, they magnify the taste of
whatever they were added to. Put them in pudding? Chocolaty! Swirl them into a
smoothie? Fruity! The same thing goes with dressings, dips, salsas, sauces and
more. These two factors combine to let chia seeds take on the taste of whatever
you add them to. They distribute and never dilute, the flavors you love.

My Conclusion: Hmmm may be time to go purchase some Organic Chia Seeds!
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