Food Choices
Let me tell you, the amount of carbohydrates in food do not form a great relationship with my Atkins lifestyle. I looked at flour tortilla shells the other day in the grocery store and there are 18 grams of carbs in ONE FUCKING SHELL! Yeah one little ass 6" round shell. I damn near punted those fuckers across three aisles. So I opted to make chili (no beans.) It was scrumptious!!!! Otherwise, I have had a hard time remembering to eat again, so it is becoming a forced behavior. Not eating = fat retention; and since I am such a fat burning junkie now a days remember to eat is right up there with reminding myself to get gas for the car.
Let me tell you, the amount of carbohydrates in food do not form a great relationship with my Atkins lifestyle. I looked at flour tortilla shells the other day in the grocery store and there are 18 grams of carbs in ONE FUCKING SHELL! Yeah one little ass 6" round shell. I damn near punted those fuckers across three aisles. So I opted to make chili (no beans.) It was scrumptious!!!! Otherwise, I have had a hard time remembering to eat again, so it is becoming a forced behavior. Not eating = fat retention; and since I am such a fat burning junkie now a days remember to eat is right up there with reminding myself to get gas for the car.
I have given away dresses, shirts, slacks, sweat pants! Yup I can't fit that shit and I will not allow myself to be large enough to wear any of that shit again therefore, I humbly say peace out to that shit and I am looking forward to new smaller sizes. I am refusing to go shopping until at least December or January unless I need an item or two; however I will not be doing any recreational outfit shopping. Hell, I have saved so much money doing this.
I have given away dresses, shirts, slacks, sweat pants! Yup I can't fit that shit and I will not allow myself to be large enough to wear any of that shit again therefore, I humbly say peace out to that shit and I am looking forward to new smaller sizes. I am refusing to go shopping until at least December or January unless I need an item or two; however I will not be doing any recreational outfit shopping. Hell, I have saved so much money doing this.
I force myself to hit the gym daily, I take off on Sunday, mainly because the children's room there is closed, and I don't want to pay a sitter or impose on a neighbor. I have even forged some associations there. One girl I met named Victoria goes sooo hard its amazing, like on the elliptical which I have zero threshold for she gets on there and does an hour. I'm like doubling my work out to her elliptical because I have to do 45 mins on the treadmill and 30 mins on the bike to get the same effects. Hopefully I can get over my fear of that damn thing. But you know I am clumsy so falling off it is pretty much another trepidation which I need to overcome.
How I Feel
I feel amazing!!!!!!!!! Simply put not much more than that. I am toning and I feel great. Muscle burns fat and I am burning all kinds of fat. My support system is growing, however even without anyone supporting me my drive, and will power are what actually keep me going. Not to mention the next pair of #FridayJeans that are a size 16 Junior whew squeezing into those puppies is like being High School fat in an High School Skinny mind.
My progress is amazing, hard work, effort and motivation are paying off.
Fat Ass Update 08/28/2011
Fat Ass Update 07/30/2011
My progress is amazing, hard work, effort and motivation are paying off.
Fat Ass Update 08/28/2011
Fat Ass Update 07/30/2011
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