Are the Grocery Stores Run By The Illuminati?
10 for $10 seems to be the newest grocery bargaining trend
over the past 2 years. Everybody is
doing it; major grocery chains, smaller stores even Mom and Pops stores are on
the pricing band wagon.

But what grocery items can you get 10 of for $10? Well popular “shelf” items like salad
dressings, canned goods, condiments, boxed foods, frozen foods, sometimes
cheeses, sugary juices and every blue moon, fruit. Basically anything processed! With the rising costs fresh non-processed
foods like produce and meats like poultry, fish, shell fish, beef, pork and
wild game meats; healthy eaters and dieter’s alike are facing a financial dilemma
at the grocery store check out.
Everything costs too DAMN much!
Gas today as I write, is nearing $4.00/gallon in my local area! Chicken Breast at my local grocery store was
$1.99/lb, 2 Cucumbers were $1.35, and a selection of my favorite freeze dried
Herbs (Tarragon, Rosemary, Thyme, Garlic Essence, and Dill Weed) alone
yesterday cost me $26.44 and that was not in bulk!!! So
what are healthier eaters and dieters like me to do? Do we continue to eat the processed foods
packed with Sodium, preservatives and saturated fats and other chemicals added
in production for longer shelf life? Or
do we dip into our already limited disposable income to make sure we are buying
proper selections at the grocer?
This is a thought that plagues me each time I grocery
shop. In my individual case, I shop at
least once per week because I have not yet mastered the art of deciding what I
am going to eat for an entire month at a time.
I watch the prices and try to adjust to the trends. For instance I know that Chicken goes on sale
most anywhere every 12 weeks. So as long
as I adjust to that 12 week cycle I am able to stock up on Chicken at the “sale”
price. Fresh and Organic veggies are
another story. I rarely find it possible
to ever get a price break on something as simple as broccoli or Romaine Lettuce.

The more processed, frozen and canned foods we put into our
diets the bigger our waist line gets, thus prompting us to do one of two things
– 1) Shop ($pend) for larger clothes or 2) Buy ($pend) Diet Products; and on
the extreme end Buy ($pend) a larger vehicle.
Furthermore the medical community is also profiting from this “food
revolution”. Foods high in sodium =
High Blood Pressure (which can lead to or increase any number of other
ailments) = Doctors Visits ($$), Prescriptions ($$), Purchase ($$) of foods
that are “marketed” as “healthy alternatives”.
I think I even saw a commercial
for a weight loss clinic that said you can lose 10lbs for $10!!!
So what are we healthy eaters and dieters to do about our
inflated grocery bills? I suggest doing
the following:
- Determine the cycle of sales on fresh meats (including fish) stock up and freeze.
- Only buy the Veggies and Fruits you are definitely going to eat within the next 2-4 days (the longer they sit in your refrigerator the more likely you are to toss them because they have gone bad.)
- Shop Farmers Markets / Start A Garden (seasonal)
- Befriend a local butcher (You get more bee’s with honey)
- Watch the Sale Papers Closely (In most markets new weekly sales begin each Sunday)
- Clip Coupons – And Use Them
- Buy Less Beverages – Soda, Juices and Bottle Water have little nutritional value and can take up over 50% of your grocery bill.
- Shop the Perimeters - The perimeters are where you’ll find the fresh produce, bread, milk, eggs, yogurt, cheese, etc. This should be the main focus of your meal plan and grocery budget. If you start in the middle your money will be spent before you get to the items your healthy / diet lifestyle require.
- Meal Plan – buy only what you need to create your meal.
- Check your receipt – Cashier’s make errors, and things are not always priced properly!

A Grocery Shopping we will go! And Good Luck!
Excellent advice!
ReplyDeleteI think you are right about the corporate angle. Great tips and suggestions, some I already use and a few I need to tighten up on! Love the Illuminati reference lol!
lol Thanks Joanne ... really that's how I feel when I am in there. I need every ounce of disposable income I have and they want to jack me for it at the register for 3.2oz of Dill ??? I'm appalled!!!
ReplyDeleteHey and also thanks to you for inspiring this post!