Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Weighing (back) In : Fox 2 21 Day Weight Loss Challenge

View The Group on Facebook
As of this morning the Fox 2 21 Day Weight Loss Challenge is over 860 followers strong the and is in full swing, with the participants actively posting their recipe's, photos and commentary.  There is a bond of solidarity forming here, that even I as a pessimist of Social Media groups marvel; the unity is really uncanny.

When I first joined the Facebook group for the Fox 2 21 Day Weight Loss Challenge I did it really out of being a fan of the News Channel; (as we all know I think LeDuff, Perkins, and Isom reign supreme of the local news casters in my viewing area.)  I then began to interact in the group; just a bit because most of what I really want to say should not be said at all on facebook or any other social media website that can capture it forever and come back to haunt my ass in 10 years.   I eventually started paying further attention to what the group members were writing, how they are eating, exercising and encouraging each and made the selfless deduction that this group is pretty cool.  This group's conversational style postings kind of neutralize me on my soap box. 

When I first "Weighed In" on the Fox 2 21 Day Weight Loss Challenge on January 13, 2012 I will say I was not so impressed.  My initial feeling was that it was just another band wagon for people to jump on.  And we all know how the foremost excitement leads to lack luster appeal and then band wagon's tend to fizzle over time.  Remember how cool "Planking" was this past spring?  My point exactly!

Like I mentioned before the group has no social, economic or political barriers, yet everyone in the group shares a common interest of weight loss.  This in itself interests me.  I find myself identifying with some of the posters and others I want to band from internet use all together!  Since I eat with my eyes the photos the group members are posting of their meals and snacks are pretty cool.  Some make me salivate and others make me want to gouge my eyes out in pure disgust -- but to each their own.

All in all after two weeks of following this Facebook group I will repeat as I posted on the Groups page: "I really think this group is bringing together people who would not normally communicate with each other on a level so personal as weight loss.  Its important to be healthy that is something that EVERYONE regardless of Social Sector, Race, Religion, Political Beliefs etc. has in common and this forum has provided what I am viewing as a great tool for people to meet, help, support and encourage each other!!!"

PS. Don't Forget to Share This Blog on Facebook look in the upper right hand corner (Shamelessly Promoting I know!)


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