Sunday, January 22, 2012

A Momentary Backward Glance

With new readers and new subscribers I decided to look back on some of my favorite posts.  Since I declared Jihad on my Fat Ass back in May 2011; I must say though taking this weight loss fight to the internet was probably one of the smartest things I did. 

I am struggling every day to win this fight so Don't miss some of my favorite Archived Posts! Please continue to read and comment as your dialogue has been great!

6/23/2011 : A Fucked Thought Process -- My Intro: I LOVE MEN! I especially love my black men (well I used to but that is another blog posting and blog site all together).  Anyway for years I have governed myself under the guise that Black Men LOVE BIG THINGS.  Big Cars, Big Chains, Big Rims, oh and BIG WOMEN.  I use to watch the Bigga Sistas in the mall with their little skinny men while I sat chomping on some food court Chinese food or french fries, thinking to myself "see look at them I can eat whatever I want; as long as the stores have clothes to fit my fat ass."  And this was the beginning of some dumb ass thinking on my part... CLICK HERE TO READ MORE OF THIS ARCHIVED POST

June 28, 2011 : Motivation: Everything I do begins and ends with a level of motivation -- I know you thought I was superwoman didn't you ... CLICK TO READ MORE

July 2, 2011 : What Will I Miss About Being Fat?:   Each and every time I lose something I seem to miss something about it; no matter how strained the relationship.  So I am wondering what will I miss most about being Fat? .... CLICK HERE TO READ MORE OF THIS ARCHIVED POST!
 July 7, 2011 : Cheaters Suck!:  I don't cheat on my men (I keep a harem).  And I don't cheat on myself (I catch me all the time).  So why in the hell would I have the urge today to cheat on my new Diet (way of life) ... CLICK TO READ MORE

July 19, 2011 : Rahtard Univ. Graduate Here:
Now let's be real shall we? I am an card carrying  Ivy League Graduate of the Rah-Tard University located in any place where I happen to show up.  Only can an Ivy League Graduate manage to earn yet another Degree from such an epic fail! CLICK TO READ MORE

August 7, 2011 : Dosage One Mouthful of Reality: Well aren't we judgmental my little piggy...As one of those sistas for whom you must hold your puke, never judge another's struggle until you have walked a mile in her run over stilettos. I applaud your efforts here but you must know that at some point she, I - was you. At a 16W - 18W HATING my fat and swearing I would never get a pound larger! CLICK TO READ FULL POST
September 13, 2011 Spandex Plain and (not) So Simple: So I gathered up all my courage after doing a few tours at the gym and threw on the Spandex again. CLICK TO READ FULL POST

I hope you enjoy my postings and can find some motivation in them to reach your goals.  Remember find a way to support your fight; and then go full on and win!  Stay tuned as the best is yet to come!


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