I saw this pic on Facebook and almost puked. I haven't been able to eat red meat or pork since. I am soooooo super grossed out by this. So instead lately I have opted for fish and shellfish.
What has changed your outlook on food? What are you doing differently these days?
Thursday, March 21, 2013
Saturday, February 2, 2013
Are you a Mountain Dew addict? Then know what you're drinking! BVO is a toxic chemical that is banned in many countries because it competes with iodine for receptor sites in the body, which can lead to hypothyroidism, autoimmune disease, and cancer. The main ingredient, bromine, is a poisonous, corrosive chemical, linked to major organ system damage, birth defects, growth problems, schizophrenia, and hearing loss.
"There’s flame retardant in your Mountain Dew. That soda with the lime-green hue (and other citrus-flavored bubbly pops) won’t keep your insides fireproof, but it does contain brominated vegetable oil, a patented flame retardant for plastics that has been banned in foods throughout Europe and in Japan.
Brominated vegetable oil, or BVO, which acts as an emulsifier in citrus-flavored soda drinks, is found in about 10 percent of sodas sold in the U.S.
“After a few extreme soda binges — not too far from what many [video] gamers regularly consume – a few patients have needed medical attention for skin lesions, memory loss and nerve disorders, all symptoms of overexposure to bromine,” according to a recent article in Environmental News."
Are you a Mountain Dew addict? Then know what you're drinking! BVO is a toxic chemical that is banned in many countries because it competes with iodine for receptor sites in the body, which can lead to hypothyroidism, autoimmune disease, and cancer. The main ingredient, bromine, is a poisonous, corrosive chemical, linked to major organ system damage, birth defects, growth problems, schizophrenia, and hearing loss.
"There’s flame retardant in your Mountain Dew. That soda with the lime-green hue (and other citrus-flavored bubbly pops) won’t keep your insides fireproof, but it does contain brominated vegetable oil, a patented flame retardant for plastics that has been banned in foods throughout Europe and in Japan.
Brominated vegetable oil, or BVO, which acts as an emulsifier in citrus-flavored soda drinks, is found in about 10 percent of sodas sold in the U.S.
“After a few extreme soda binges — not too far from what many [video] gamers regularly consume – a few patients have needed medical attention for skin lesions, memory loss and nerve disorders, all symptoms of overexposure to bromine,” according to a recent article in Environmental News."
(Reposted from a Facebook friend)
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
90% Green my Breakfast today
Green my fav color 90% green on every plate ... Today's #breakfast steamed French Cut Green Beans. What are you having?
Sunday, September 2, 2012
1yr 6Mos : Underestimated, look I'm still around
Pink says it all!
Mistreated, misplaced, misunderstood
Miss 'No way, it's all good'
It didn't slow me down.
Mistaken, always second guessing
Underestimated, look I'm still around....
Mistreated, misplaced, misunderstood
Miss 'No way, it's all good'
It didn't slow me down.
Mistaken, always second guessing
Underestimated, look I'm still around....
And "Pretty, pretty please, don't you ever, ever feel
Like you're less than fucking perfect"
Saturday, September 1, 2012
Margarine VS Butter : A Slippery Debate
I do not use Margarine, as a matter of fact I think it has
been about 20 years since I have had it at all.
There is definitely a HUGE DIFFERENCE between Butter and Margarine. This debate can go on for eons depending on
your research, however for me after learning the process for creating, yes
creating not making, Margarine I will use butter instead. There are several U.S. Patents for the process
of creating Margarine.
Margarine is made starting with cheap, poor quality
vegetable oils, such as corn, cottonseed, soybeans, safflower seeds and canola. These oils have already turned rancid from
being extracted from oil seeds using high temperature and high pressure. Rancid
oils are loaded with free radicals that react easily with other molecules,
causing cell damage, premature aging and a host of other problems.
The last bit of oil is removed with hexane, a solvent known to cause cancer. Although this hexane subsequent removed, traces of it are inevitably left behind. Cottonseed oil, one of the most popular margarine ingredients, has natural toxins and unrefined cottonseed oil is used as a pesticide. The toxin, gossypol, is removed during refining.
The last bit of oil is removed with hexane, a solvent known to cause cancer. Although this hexane subsequent removed, traces of it are inevitably left behind. Cottonseed oil, one of the most popular margarine ingredients, has natural toxins and unrefined cottonseed oil is used as a pesticide. The toxin, gossypol, is removed during refining.
How Margarine Is
Margarine is made by steam cleaning the raw oils (corn,
cottonseed, soybeans, safflower seeds and canola) used in making Margarine. This destroys all the vitamins and
antioxidants. However, the residues of
pesticides and solvents – that is, hexane – remain. The oils are then mixed with finely ground
nickel, a highly toxic substance that serves as a catalyst for the chemical
reaction during the hydrogenation process.
** Note: Other catalysts may be used, but these, too, are highly toxic.
The oils are then put under high temperature and pressure in
a reactor. Hydrogen gas is introduced! The high temperature and pressure, together
with the presence of nickel catalyst, causes hydrogen atoms to be forced into
the oil molecules; if the oil is partially hydrogenated, it turns from liquid
into a semi-solid. This is known as ‘partial
hydrogenation’. What comes out of the
partial hydrogenation process is smelly, lumpy, grey grease. Emulsifiers – which are like soaps – are
mixed in to remove the lumps.
Lastly, the again the oil is steam cleaned to remove the
odor of the chemicals, through a process called dehydration. The oil is bleached to get rid of the grey
color, after bleaching synthetic vitamins and flavorings are added.
Butter really does get a bad rep. I mean would you rather have the natural
animal fat or partially hydrogenated, steamed oils cleaned with soap that have
the same chemical makeup of say a child’s toy?
As for me Margarine is not allowed in our home, diet’s or
lifestyle. When it comes to butter vs. margarine, the
bottom line is that regular butter is better for you than regular margarine! However some food scientists feel Trans
fat-free margarine, is better for you than regular butter.
The WORST Margarine Offenders:
If you are sticking with your Margarine at least you should know what experts think are the worst Margarine's. According to Health.com to stay solid at room temperature, vegetable oils are hydrogenated, which creates trans fatty acids that can raise LDL, or bad cholesterol. Most solid sticks of margarine contain trans fats and/or saturated fat. These include:
If you are sticking with your Margarine at least you should know what experts think are the worst Margarine's. According to Health.com to stay solid at room temperature, vegetable oils are hydrogenated, which creates trans fatty acids that can raise LDL, or bad cholesterol. Most solid sticks of margarine contain trans fats and/or saturated fat. These include:
- Country Crock Spreadable Sticks (80 calories, 1.5 grams saturated fat, 2 grams trans fats)
- Blue Bonnet Sticks (70 calories, 1.5 grams saturated fat, 1.5 grams trans fat)
- Land O'Lakes Margarine Sticks (100 calories, 2 grams saturated fat, 2.5 grams trans fats)
- Fleischmann's Original Stick Margarine (80 calories, 2 grams saturated fat, 1.5 grams trans fat).
Bottom line, look at the big picture for greater impact on
heart health: Eat fewer saturated and trans fats, consume more plant-based
foods, and get enough exercise.
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Sometimes I Stay Gone Too Long!
Never fear your girl is here -- I know sometimes I stay gone too long for some of my readers!!! But know I am always around. Do not forget to "Like" me on FACEBOOK. I am always there.
Sunday, August 26, 2012
Be Prepared!
Getting hungry SUCKS big time. So being prepared when following a strict dietary lifestyle is key! I try to prepare myself weekly. I always talk about a green raw lunch. Chicken is my key protein so this is how I make chicken for the week. If you try it out, let me know how you like it!
So here is how I keep chicken on deck. PS this 2lbs of chicken yielded 9 ziplock baggies of chicken of which 7 I threw into the freezer ... #POW I'm sooooo Kicking This Fat Girls Ass!!!!
So here is how I keep chicken on deck. PS this 2lbs of chicken yielded 9 ziplock baggies of chicken of which 7 I threw into the freezer ... #POW I'm sooooo Kicking This Fat Girls Ass!!!!
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
A Lifestyle Change : Fighting the Obesity Odds!

of this transpired just under one year ago.
Today I sit here feeling absolutely wonderful! However, I cannot help wondering "what would
have become of me if I’d stayed on the path of gluttony and conserved my ruinous
sedentary lifestyle?"

highly alarming rate of obesity in younger people significantly increases their
exposure to dangerous health risks associated with obesity! The long term impact of obesity has not yet been
measured with tangible results; however scientists, researchers, doctors and
even the holistic forefront would certainly agree that Obesity is a leading
factor affecting overall mortality.
are 20 Diseases or Conditions Directly Linked to Obesity.
Diabetes: Diabetes can lead to a whole host of other medical issues and obesity is one of the main
causes due to the body having excess glucose due to overeating.
2. Cancer
has many different forms and types and many of them could be prevented with
more attention to eating healthy and avoiding obesity.

4. Enlarged
Heart is another heart condition where the muscle of the heart become larger
due to being overworked which naturally happens if you are overweight obese.
5. Pulmonary
Embolism is a sometimes fatal blockage of an artery. Obesity causes
most people to reduce activity and after time lack of activity can result in an
6. Polycystic
Ovarian Syndrome is when cysts develop in your ovaries. These can burst causing
even further problems.
7. Gastro Esophageal Reflux Disease means that stomach acid and juices flow from the
stomach back up into the esophagus. It is common in obese people.
8. Fatty
Liver Disease is a reversible condition where large pockets of fat accumulate
in liver cells. Fatty liver can be considered a single disease that occurs
worldwide in those with excessive alcohol intake and those who are obese.
9. Hernia
is caused when the hole in the diaphragm weakens and enlarges.
10. Erectile
Dysfunction is the inability to develop or maintain an erection which can be
caused by a medical problem due to obesity or a psychological effect.
11. Urinary
Incontinence is the inability to control ones urine and is frequently
associated with obesity, weak bladder and pelvic floor muscles.
12. Chronic
Renal Failure meaning the kidneys fail to work is a much greater risk to those
that are overweight or obese.

14. Cellulitis
is clinically a spreading infection involving both the dermis and subcutaneous
tissues due poor lymph flow caused by obesity.
15. Stroke
is a lack of blood supply as the body has to work harder when you are obese.
16. Pickwickian
Syndrome is mainly characterized by sleep apnea due to obesity placing an
excessive load on the pulmonary system.
17. Depression
is a condition where a person feels extremely sad all the time. Even to the
point of being suicidal. This can be greatly enhanced for someone that is obese.

19. Gout
occurs when uric acid accumulates in the blood. Nerve endings then become
irritated causing extreme pain made worse by carrying extra weight.
20. Gallbladder
Disease commonly affects overweight people as a result of high blood
cholesterol levels and causes gall stones.
Ok, I admit compiling this list literally scared the shit out of me! I am glad I found the healthy road, and am fighting the obesity odds. As for the weight loss I will take the slow but sure method, as someone mentioned to me recently "Taking your time to take it [the weight] off usually means you'll keep it off!"
Saturday, April 28, 2012
Summer SeXXXi : The Mad Dash
Have you noticed any of these things? The gyms are overcrowded with unfamiliar faces, the treadmills, elliptical machines and cycles are being held up by what I have deemed the newbie work out crew. The weight machines are being used as resting places or even recliners in some situations? Your favorite vitamins and protein powders are in limited or scarce supply? Well blame it on the Summer Sexy Crew!

The 'Summer Sexy Crew' is just another collection of people who are an annoyance. In the colder months these people can cover up their 'Un-Sexiness' with jackets, sweaters, long shirts and pants. But with the seasonably warm temperatures that can sometimes rise into the high 90's and 100's they are forced to strip of their hide away clothes and show some skin -- skin they should have been working on year round.
My annoyance is also my comedy. I am amused by the diets, and propaganda for quick weight loss, 6 week 6 pack abs, and claims that 80-100lbs can be lost in just "three short months". For those late night infomercial watchers the before and after pictures are them. They say stuff like in just three short months I went from a blubber belly to a rock hard beach body" just by doing blah blah blah. Most times I just want to issue a C'MON SON! If weight loss were that simple don't you think the obesity epidemic would fall off the radar, and we would go back to discussing the War on Drugs?
Pledging to diet is the first mistake. Diets are fails. Epic Fails! Fails of Massive proportion. How many people have you heard tell you in the same breath that they have been on countless diets? Joined various weight loss programs? Taken this pill, or that pill? Bought the newest work out DVD set? All in an attempt to Diet the pounds away. Well their first mistake is Dieting!
I have said it before and I will say it again. Diets are a straight set up for failure. Lifestyle changes are the only way to truly lose weight and KEEP IT OFF. Unless you like to wear a 5 size variance of clothing throughout the year, put an additional strain on your heart with the up and down of weight and just feel like pure crap? I suggest changing the way you eat, become more active and cease and desist with the vow to become Summer Sexy! Remember there are four seasons to contend with.

So in your mad dash to become the next video vixen for the summer, or Mr. Rock Hard Abs, keep in mind your lifestyle needs to change and not just for the next 6-8 weeks; but forever!
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Look What I Found!
Over the past few weeks I have had some pretty interesting finds, some stuff I found just by happen and circumstance, other stuff through good ole' word of mouth or being nosy. Check out some of the cool stuff I have found!
1. Walk With Walgreens!
Ok, I probably would have not really paid the huge cardboard cut out of Donald Trump any attention in my local Walgreens except it had a big red sign on it that said "FREE KIT". I quickly summonsed a cashier to find out where to sign up and get my free kit. At a photo kiosk I entered minimal personal information and was presented with a little ornate box, with a pedometer and duffel bag inside. GREAT FREE DEAL. You can get one by visiting your local Walgreens or visiting www.walk.walgreens.com
Fellow Blogger Stormy Vawn has been posting from an app called Gympact so I downloaded it to my iPhone to see what all the hoopla is about. GymPact helps you commit to exercise and actually do it, using cash incentives! Currently this app is only for iPhone users but you can earn up to $0.75 for each trip to the gym. And YES they can verify each gym visit! But how cool is it to get paid for going to workout?
3. Mary's Gone Crackers!
Ok, ok, ok! I know I have been avoiding carbs like the plague for almost a year now. But a recent visit to my Mother's house turned up this cool find. I always rummage through her cabinets and refrigerator when I first walk in (actually I do this at most people's house LOL)! Well, after examining the carbohydrate content and deciding it was ok to have 4 crackers I tasted them. EXPLOSION OF FLAVOR INSTANTLY IN MY MOUTH! The entire Mary’s Gone Crackers’ line is manufactured in the USA in their dedicated organic, gluten-free, vegan, nut-free, dairy-free facility to ensure there is no cross-contamination. My Mom said she purchased them at her local Costco, but I found them online as well. Here is a link to the site www.marysgonecrackers.com
In the grocery store this week I purchased some fresh Cilantro, which I chopped and put in a bowl in my refrigerator. Well on Tuesday evening when I made Rosemary Chicken salad for dinner, I accidentally put a huge hand full on top; since it was chopped so fine that I couldn' pick it out so I just blessed the salad with my standard dressing and chowed down. OMG!!!!! YES THE FLAVOR WAS AMAZING. I craved salad all week based on that new find.
5. PureBloggers.com
While searching my site stats I noticed I have been getting 7% of my traffic hits from a site called PureBloggers.com. Curious I visited the site, signed up and even have made a few friends. Since signing up traffic to my site sourced from PureBloggers.com has gone from 7% to 22% that's pretty good since I am only active on there about once weekly. If you have a blog, check them out, here is the link www.purebloggers.com
6. Bravo Cucina Italiana Chopped Salad Recipe!
My favorite restaurant salad is at Bravo Cucina Italiana, but the nearest location is 20 miles from my house so I do not go there often. But when I do a double order of this salad is always my fare. Lucky for me a Pam a friend in a the My Fox Detroit Weight Loss Challenge Posted the Recipe. And now I am super duper excited to try to make this at home!
I hope you like my finds, hey try one of these, or if you have something cool to share post in the comments! You can even post anonymously!
1. Walk With Walgreens!
Ok, I probably would have not really paid the huge cardboard cut out of Donald Trump any attention in my local Walgreens except it had a big red sign on it that said "FREE KIT". I quickly summonsed a cashier to find out where to sign up and get my free kit. At a photo kiosk I entered minimal personal information and was presented with a little ornate box, with a pedometer and duffel bag inside. GREAT FREE DEAL. You can get one by visiting your local Walgreens or visiting www.walk.walgreens.com
Fellow Blogger Stormy Vawn has been posting from an app called Gympact so I downloaded it to my iPhone to see what all the hoopla is about. GymPact helps you commit to exercise and actually do it, using cash incentives! Currently this app is only for iPhone users but you can earn up to $0.75 for each trip to the gym. And YES they can verify each gym visit! But how cool is it to get paid for going to workout?
3. Mary's Gone Crackers!
Ok, ok, ok! I know I have been avoiding carbs like the plague for almost a year now. But a recent visit to my Mother's house turned up this cool find. I always rummage through her cabinets and refrigerator when I first walk in (actually I do this at most people's house LOL)! Well, after examining the carbohydrate content and deciding it was ok to have 4 crackers I tasted them. EXPLOSION OF FLAVOR INSTANTLY IN MY MOUTH! The entire Mary’s Gone Crackers’ line is manufactured in the USA in their dedicated organic, gluten-free, vegan, nut-free, dairy-free facility to ensure there is no cross-contamination. My Mom said she purchased them at her local Costco, but I found them online as well. Here is a link to the site www.marysgonecrackers.com
In the grocery store this week I purchased some fresh Cilantro, which I chopped and put in a bowl in my refrigerator. Well on Tuesday evening when I made Rosemary Chicken salad for dinner, I accidentally put a huge hand full on top; since it was chopped so fine that I couldn' pick it out so I just blessed the salad with my standard dressing and chowed down. OMG!!!!! YES THE FLAVOR WAS AMAZING. I craved salad all week based on that new find.
5. PureBloggers.com
While searching my site stats I noticed I have been getting 7% of my traffic hits from a site called PureBloggers.com. Curious I visited the site, signed up and even have made a few friends. Since signing up traffic to my site sourced from PureBloggers.com has gone from 7% to 22% that's pretty good since I am only active on there about once weekly. If you have a blog, check them out, here is the link www.purebloggers.com
6. Bravo Cucina Italiana Chopped Salad Recipe!
My favorite restaurant salad is at Bravo Cucina Italiana, but the nearest location is 20 miles from my house so I do not go there often. But when I do a double order of this salad is always my fare. Lucky for me a Pam a friend in a the My Fox Detroit Weight Loss Challenge Posted the Recipe. And now I am super duper excited to try to make this at home!
I hope you like my finds, hey try one of these, or if you have something cool to share post in the comments! You can even post anonymously!
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
I Just Want to Be Naked! : (The Half of It)
I just want to be NAKED! That's right dammit butt booty NAKED! I want to wear a Itsy Bitsy Teeny Weenie, Little Polka Dot String Bikini -- There I said it!
Yet sadly after a year of lifestyle change, healthier eating habits, and a regular (sometimes skipping a few) work out routine; I am a Size 12. Glancing in the mirror and realizing that I am not yet ready to bear my all for the world to see, I feel like I have been on a hamster wheel for the past almost year! Last May (2011) when I declared Jihad on my Fat Ass I was a size 24 Plus Women's! That's like really obese for me standing at a mere 5'0 Tall! Today I am a Size 12 Average. And that is just not good enough!
I do not yet have a six pack stomach. Hell, I still have a few love handles left, and a mound of belly fat to disarm and annihilate. Last July (2011) I remember thinking: "When I am a size 12 I will be the perfect beach body size." Well boy oh boy, was I ever WRONG! Here I stand before myself 11 months later at a size 12 and I am still not yet ready to grace the beaches in a thong bikini! Hell I still need a cover up to my knees because my oompa loompa legs do not yet have the definition I so desire.
Today as I stood in the mirror in my bare minimal wear, a.k.a. undergarments I found myself saying: "When I am a Size 6 I will be the perfect size." I do not have self image or esteem issues, as a matter of fact I look overly fabulous the way I am right now. Well really, I think I look a helluvah lot better than I did this time last year -- ya know, in the 'beginning'. But really I just want to be NAKED!!!
I dare not revert to bad eating habits, or feel defeated. But really this is some serious hard work and dedication. I generally have a hard time committing to ANYTHING long term, it's been my SERIOUS BAD HABIT forever. But now I have been at this for a year I have Blogged, Tweeted, Facebooked, and Talked Shit ... soooooo I cannot quit. And unless I somehow hit the lottery I still cannot afford to be Nip Tucked!
Well, FUCK TODAY! I do feel defeated. However, I'm not disappointed in myself because I have made a miraculous turn around. I am healthier, and aside from a few moments of humane weakness I eat to live not live to eat. I even work out at a Gym, in Public nonetheless. But I still feel thwarted by this itsy bitsy teeny weeny little polka dot string bikini!
Yet sadly after a year of lifestyle change, healthier eating habits, and a regular (sometimes skipping a few) work out routine; I am a Size 12. Glancing in the mirror and realizing that I am not yet ready to bear my all for the world to see, I feel like I have been on a hamster wheel for the past almost year! Last May (2011) when I declared Jihad on my Fat Ass I was a size 24 Plus Women's! That's like really obese for me standing at a mere 5'0 Tall! Today I am a Size 12 Average. And that is just not good enough!
I do not yet have a six pack stomach. Hell, I still have a few love handles left, and a mound of belly fat to disarm and annihilate. Last July (2011) I remember thinking: "When I am a size 12 I will be the perfect beach body size." Well boy oh boy, was I ever WRONG! Here I stand before myself 11 months later at a size 12 and I am still not yet ready to grace the beaches in a thong bikini! Hell I still need a cover up to my knees because my oompa loompa legs do not yet have the definition I so desire.
Today as I stood in the mirror in my bare minimal wear, a.k.a. undergarments I found myself saying: "When I am a Size 6 I will be the perfect size." I do not have self image or esteem issues, as a matter of fact I look overly fabulous the way I am right now. Well really, I think I look a helluvah lot better than I did this time last year -- ya know, in the 'beginning'. But really I just want to be NAKED!!!

Well, FUCK TODAY! I do feel defeated. However, I'm not disappointed in myself because I have made a miraculous turn around. I am healthier, and aside from a few moments of humane weakness I eat to live not live to eat. I even work out at a Gym, in Public nonetheless. But I still feel thwarted by this itsy bitsy teeny weeny little polka dot string bikini!
Sunday, April 8, 2012
My Anti-Smart List : Counting Calories, is DUMB!
I have heard this remark recently: "I only ate 825 calories today." This from a young lady who weighs approx. 325lbs! Okay fellow lifestyle changers, just reading it I am sure you are shaking your head thinking, "that's stupid", I know I am as I type.
Foremost, what is a Calorie? As defined by the Medical Dictionary a Calorie is A unit of energy-producing potential supplied by food and released upon oxidation by the body. And as we all learned (at least I hope you learned in 4th grade science); Oxidation as a chemical reaction. As calorie counters say "burning calories" is when a food (ion in this case) gives up electrons when combined with oxygen (like when food enters your body.) Now we all know we need the energy (calories) from food to
survive. Consuming fewer calories in theory can lead to short term weight loss, subsequently causing a calorie counter to plateau very quickly, then resulting in ultimate weight regain.
Calorie counting is NOT a Lifestyle change! As a matter of fact if you have quite a bit of weight you are trying to lose and keep off counting calories will more than likely just result in a see-saw of weight loss / gain leaving. Thus the Calorie Counter will feel defeated, and ultimately they will oust the calorie counting and gain the lost weight back and then some! It's the same vicious circle over, and over, and over again!
7 Reasons Counting Calories is on my ANTI-SMART list of Things to do!
1. Like Suicide its a Temporary Solution to a Permanent Problem.
2. The amount of calories a person needs each day is not constant. It largely depends on the amount of physical, emotional and mental activity in which the person is engaged. Keep in mind stress, anxiety or physical strain, increase the amount of calories you burn; and this is much higher than normal. (Hey Calorie Counters, don't go looking for stressful situations just so you can ingest more calories)
3. Food Labeling Regulators are just guessing! The calorie count listed on a food label or chart is an estimation based on averages. Food labeling regulators know any one piece or package of food can have more or fewer calories than a label or calorie chart says; they actually allow a 20% difference in calories up or down from what's listed on the label (hmmm how do you do that equation?)
4. There is NO WAY TO KNOW EXACTLY HOW MANY CALORIES YOU ARE EATING! Your Calorie Math does not equal your body's Digestive Math. Everyone digests and absorbs food differently. We don't actually absorb the number of calories listed on the label for a serving of food. Therefore, without knowing exactly how your body digests each molecule of food you consume you really never know how many calories you are consuming.
5. Its Metabolism Murder! Calorie restriction is short lived because consistent calorie restriction programs fight against your metabolism. These programs your force body to store more fat to use for energy. In short your body ends up confused by your label counting and math.
6. Counting calories and limiting the variety of products you consume may even be harmful to your health.
7. A.K.A. The Starvation Diet. Any initial weight loss is mostly water weight, and not fat loss. Some people carry up to 40lbs of excess water weight. So yes, you may have lost 40lbs but none of it is water; and as soon as you return to your regular portions and calories the weight plus some comes right back with it!
Okay, now Calorie Counters keep in mind different foods have different energy caloric value: Let’s suppose that a mixed fruit and nut salad contains 250 calories, and a candy bar contains the same amount. Do you think that both foods will have the same effect on you just because they have the same number of calories? UMMM NO!!!
Do not get me wrong here, I am not saying Carbohydrate intake moderation is the only Lifestyle change that is effective. This I am not implying at all! I will say however, this is what works best for me. The bottom line is this: in order to permanently lose excess pounds you must submit yourself to changing your lifestyle full circle, incorporating whatever eating habit or regime and exercise program you find most fitting. I repeatedly say this there is no such thing as a quick fix, you must change your lifestyle.
A great alternative to counting calories is to focus on a healthy diet and create a habit of regular exercise. These simple measures will lower your stress levels regarding calories consumption and will help you burn fat and stay healthy.
Yupper on my Soap Box today!
Friday, April 6, 2012
Moments of Vanity
That moment when you wash your hands look
in the mirror and wonder "Where is the Paparazzi?"
You don't see them so you strike a pose and leak you own photo's thePaparrazi Is Never Around Whe n I Need Them!!!
You don't see them so you strike a pose and leak you own photo's thePaparrazi Is Never Around Whe
Sunday, April 1, 2012
Tuna, My Go To Food!
One of my most favie foods has always been Tuna Fish! It's quick, easy and fulfilling! And these days it seems most healthy eaters 'go to' food is Tuna Fish. Whether used from the can or fresh, I too agree Tuna is an amazing food, that is easily complimented by a variety of ingredients. Here are a few of my favie Tuna Fish Recipes, all take just a few moments to make: (PS: Post your favorite recipes in the comments below, don't be shy!)
2 cans of Albacore Tuna in Water ( Bumble Bee is my preferred brand)
2 Tsp of Mayonnaise
4 Green Onions Diced
1 Tsp of Dill Weed
2 cans of Chunk Light Tuna in Water (my preferred is Kroger Brand)
2 Tsp of Mayonnaise
1/2 Tsp of Lemon Pepper
Handful of Sun Sprouts
2 Tsp of Mayonnaise
2 Eggs, boiled and chopped
1/2 - Yellow Onion - diced
1 Tsp of Sweet Relish
1 Tsp of Mayonnaise
1 oz of Shredded Lettuce (I chop my own Romaine use what you like)
1 oz of Shredded Cheddar Cheese
1 Tsp of Guacamole
1/2 Tsp of Salsa (Try the Frog Brand yummm)
2 Taco Shells
Recipe: A Light Fresh Albacore Tuna:
2 Tsp of Mayonnaise
4 Green Onions Diced
1 Tsp of Dill Weed
Mix all ingredients, and serve. Can be enjoyed with low carb bread, crackers or in my case pork rinds. *Note: can be substituted w/ Lite Mayo or Miracle Whip also depending on your tastes and dietary needs.
Recipe: Summery Chunk White Tuna:

2 Tsp of Mayonnaise
1/2 Tsp of Lemon Pepper
Handful of Sun Sprouts
Mix all ingredients, and serve. Can be enjoyed with low carb bread, crackers or in my case pork rinds. *Note: can be substituted w/ Lite Mayo or Miracle Whip also depending on your tastes and dietary needs.
Recipe: Packed Tuna Salad
2 cans of Chunk Light Tuna in Water (my preferred brand is Kroger Brand)2 Tsp of Mayonnaise
2 Eggs, boiled and chopped
1/2 - Yellow Onion - diced
1 Tsp of Sweet Relish
Mix all ingredients, and serve. Can be enjoyed with low carb bread, crackers or in my case pork rinds. *Note: can be substituted w/ Lite Mayo or Miracle Whip also depending on your tastes and dietary needs.
Recipe: Tuna Tacos
1 can of Chunk Light Tuna in Water (my preferred brand is Kroger Brand)1 Tsp of Mayonnaise
1 oz of Shredded Lettuce (I chop my own Romaine use what you like)
1 oz of Shredded Cheddar Cheese
1 Tsp of Guacamole
1/2 Tsp of Salsa (Try the Frog Brand yummm)
2 Taco Shells
Mix Tuna and Mayo, spread in Taco Shell, then top w/ remaining ingredients. Enjoy! *Note: can be substituted w/ Lite Mayo or Miracle Whip also depending on your tastes and dietary needs.
PS: Post your favorite recipes in the comments below, don't be shy!
Sunday, March 25, 2012
Give Your Lifestyle A Lift : Eugene Alexander's Way of Living Program
Giving your lifestyle a lift! As a general rule I am NOT ON A DIET. Diet's are temporary changes, that are easily altered to a person's social condition's, available food selection or changes in trends. And, if you are reading this with the sole mission of losing weight, you must be on a 'Diet'. Well the good news is you can change your lifestyle with much better results. You do not have to hold on to the unsightly excess pounds that plague your midsection. Nor do that look over your shoulder, mirror reversal self examination of your butt and thighs; only to sigh in disappointment because your 'Diet' is not working!
Changing your lifestyle is more than altering your foods and doing a few workouts. It starts with a conscious decision and then reprogramming your taste buds to love foods that provide your body with nutrients to sustain your energy, organs, bones, skin, hair, nails and of course your weight. I recently introduced myself to a new virtual friend good on Facebook, Eugene Alexander, (of Texas). I was quite intrigued when he told me his spouse lost 47lbs in 6 months following a "Way of Living Program" that he created after researching foods, and the health benefits of eating -- completed with a regimented exercise cycle. After reading his Way of Living Program, I really wanted to share it with you guys.
Eugene Alexander's Way of Living Program
** To Download Eugene Alexander's Way of Living Program in a .pdf File CLICK HERE **
Click Here to email Eugene Alexander for more information.
Changing your lifestyle is more than altering your foods and doing a few workouts. It starts with a conscious decision and then reprogramming your taste buds to love foods that provide your body with nutrients to sustain your energy, organs, bones, skin, hair, nails and of course your weight. I recently introduced myself to a new virtual friend good on Facebook, Eugene Alexander, (of Texas). I was quite intrigued when he told me his spouse lost 47lbs in 6 months following a "Way of Living Program" that he created after researching foods, and the health benefits of eating -- completed with a regimented exercise cycle. After reading his Way of Living Program, I really wanted to share it with you guys.
** To Download Eugene Alexander's Way of Living Program in a .pdf File CLICK HERE **
Click Here to email Eugene Alexander for more information.
You are like whitewashed tombs which indeed appear beautiful outwardly,
but inside are full of dead men's bones and all uncleanness." Matthew
Saturday, March 17, 2012
March Madness! : My Path of Destruction
March Madness' ire ended in a malicious assault of everyone and everything in my path. No one or nothing was safe. I was storming territories that had no chance of survival against my destructive path, I launched all out strikes against people who had yet to be warned of my ability to search and destroy. My tongue made opponents cower in fear and seek refuge from the onslaught of my lashings. Few, very few were safe. And even fewer went unscathed. I defined the slang definition of Bitch, and almost got it tattooed on my forehead (glad I didn't do that.)

On March 11, I was examining the fall out from the previous day when I noticed a post in one of my frequently visited Facebook Weight Loss Groups from one of the moderators appeared. It was a response to a complaint from one of the other group posters/members. Essentially complaining about the use of profanity. The complaint read in part: ' I've received another complaint about the bad language on the board. "I may be old fashioned but I am really tired of hearing the assorted "f" words and other words which may be deemed inappropriate. Just because people use them every day doesn't make them OK." ' This single posting was like adding the last needed molecule of plutonium to a nuclear bomb and not directing the destruction path before launching.
3, 2, 1 BLAST OFF! My temper reached an entirely new level! I was outraged, seething, pissed the fuck off! (Yup I said FUCK -- but remember this is MY BLOG ha no censorship here; keep reading if you would like.) I began retaliating without discernment. In my (war path) mind this was UN-AMERICAN, and yet another form of mass censorship to force people into conforming to an establishment's practices that were without warrant.
Now, if you ask me "Profanity", and "Cussing" are a Universal Language; we live in America, a society where most citizens cannot read or comprehend beyond a 4h grade level; an exception is the NY Times and Wall Street Journal (for the so called intelligent) which are sometimes use 6 & 7th grade reading levels. An average person may not understand being called "contemptible" or what it means, but they will understand being called an ASSHOLE. My point is it's a Universal Language, understood by ALL. So although I was not the catalyst of the group moderator's written warning (this time); I was more than outraged at the UN-AMERICAN CENSORSHIP being placed upon the posters and readers.
The foods were a'callin me -- I mean ALLLL of the food I know damn well I shouldn't eat if I still want to fit in my clothes! Anything swimming in grease at temperatures hot enough to gently brown a batter coated substance surrounding it; then dipped in something creamy, cool and smooth; or better yet TOPPED WITH GRAVY! Or warm chocolaty delight-fullness topped with ice cream and drizzled with hot fudge and served with in a bowl with a spoon. My food cravings became an epidemic. Refusing to give in I turned to vinegar coated lettuce a.k.a. salad. But everyday the food cravings became more agonizing. Soon I was like a baby vampire ... out for blood! I have not (yet) given in to the temptations of my savage thirst; but the food thoughts are still plaguing me.

Too damn tired to play. The last two weeks of warfare and contrived offensive and defensive strategic behavior had beaten me to a pulp. I was no match for her arrival. She came came without baggage, she only held that sinister smirk that put me into a trance and took all my super rage away only to leave me physically unable to fight another battle. I tried to rid myself of her stare with a food binge; but me being me -- laziness reigned supreme. At work I would have had take a very long walk to the 11 restaurant food court. Then I would have had to stand in line and deal with extra people. (I didn't really feel like doing any of that.) -- With my 2nd Temptation I didn't feel like placing an order over the phone and hoping they got it right, only to wait over an hour for them to deliver it.
But you know what comes next .... April Showers!
Aunt Flo,
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