I don't write checks my ass caint cash! I don't talk shit without an arsenal of artillery to cover my ass and back myself up. I'm a weapon, much like a loaded automatic with no safety on the trigger and equipped with hollow point bullets ready to penetrate the target. Sadly enough, I am also the target.

Well this war is embattled, however with a single parliamentary governing body of myself giving the directorate; the war is in full swing. In the past month, I have managed to fully disengage, and cripple the enemy (a.k.a. took away my carbs). Then I activated the troops (worked out an exercise plan). But there was an attack back, I thought about wonderful fudge things. Therefore, mental warfare was initiated; and I began to see fat in primitive disgusting form. And the results of this battle although not yet determined are starting to look good for me.
When Chaka Khan (later by Whitney Houston) sang "I'm every woman", I am pretty sure she was talking about me. Thus because, I am every woman. I have the same problems you all do. I have endured the same life challenges (whether you admit them or not) from love to hate, envy and fear, uncertainty and astonishment, being the child and now the parent. See we are not much different at all. But being every woman is not an over night accomplishments. It takes some wounds that of course heal and badges of honor, both which I display proudly on my mental mantle.

The most important thing is to love yourself. I have never had a problem in this area. But sometimes self worth and what other people view as worthy contaminate our thoughts. Keep the contaminates out, and continue to perserver forward toward your goals. When you hit a stumbling block remember its mind over matter, and like my Mom always says "This too shall pass."

You looking Good! And yeah Fuck em!