Have you noticed any of these things? The gyms are overcrowded with unfamiliar faces, the treadmills, elliptical machines and cycles are being held up by what I have deemed the newbie work out crew. The weight machines are being used as resting places or even recliners in some situations? Your favorite vitamins and protein powders are in limited or scarce supply? Well blame it on the Summer Sexy Crew!

The 'Summer Sexy Crew' is just another collection of people who are an annoyance. In the colder months these people can cover up their 'Un-Sexiness' with jackets, sweaters, long shirts and pants. But with the seasonably warm temperatures that can sometimes rise into the high 90's and 100's they are forced to strip of their hide away clothes and show some skin -- skin they should have been working on year round.
My annoyance is also my comedy. I am amused by the diets, and propaganda for quick weight loss, 6 week 6 pack abs, and claims that 80-100lbs can be lost in just "three short months". For those late night infomercial watchers the before and after pictures are them. They say stuff like in just three short months I went from a blubber belly to a rock hard beach body" just by doing blah blah blah. Most times I just want to issue a C'MON SON! If weight loss were that simple don't you think the obesity epidemic would fall off the radar, and we would go back to discussing the War on Drugs?
Pledging to diet is the first mistake. Diets are fails. Epic Fails! Fails of Massive proportion. How many people have you heard tell you in the same breath that they have been on countless diets? Joined various weight loss programs? Taken this pill, or that pill? Bought the newest work out DVD set? All in an attempt to Diet the pounds away. Well their first mistake is Dieting!
I have said it before and I will say it again. Diets are a straight set up for failure. Lifestyle changes are the only way to truly lose weight and KEEP IT OFF. Unless you like to wear a 5 size variance of clothing throughout the year, put an additional strain on your heart with the up and down of weight and just feel like pure crap? I suggest changing the way you eat, become more active and cease and desist with the vow to become Summer Sexy! Remember there are four seasons to contend with.

So in your mad dash to become the next video vixen for the summer, or Mr. Rock Hard Abs, keep in mind your lifestyle needs to change and not just for the next 6-8 weeks; but forever!